A power plant in the Sinai province, 20 km East of the Suez Canal. This is where I spent the last 3 months of 2017. With a small point and shoot camera, I documented the daily life on a construction site. During this period, the tension significantly rose: several terrorist attacks happened in the region and an intrusion occurred on the site. The Al-Rawda Sufi Mosque attack, only a few kilometers away, was a turning point. The next days, hearsays and fighter aircrafts loaded the atmosphere. I started to look differently and more frequently at the small security gate: Where would I hide if they come? Would they attack us at night? Why is the gate always open? We eventually carried on business as usual, but I have never been so relieved to go back home after a business trip.
Post scriptum:

This experience was also the opportunity to discover a small fraction of Egypt...
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